
Hi There!

You've probably seen my work and my resume by now. Let me tell you more about myself.

 If you see white hair all over the back of my black sweater, those are from my cats - Apollo and Marshmallow, and my labrador - Puffer.  If you see animal crackers fall out of my bag, that is the lunch my five-year-old son Archer packed for me.  If

If you see white hair all over the back of my black sweater, those are from my cats - Apollo and Marshmallow, and my labrador - Puffer.

If you see animal crackers fall out of my bag, that is the lunch my five-year-old son Archer packed for me.

If you see mud on my shoes especially in summer, it's because I woke up at 4 am and took a detour into the woods before heading to work.

When I finally arrive at work, I work hard. I make friends, which is equally as important to me. When we walk outside the company building, we are no longer just designers, developers or project managers. Are we friends or are we strangers? It's imperative to me that I'm spending most of my day with my friends not strangers. If you agree with me and like my work, let's talk!