
ExpertBeacon - Good Design Helps Communicate Vision

I was approached by an acquaintance to help with the visual and UX design of his start-up’s website, ExpertBeacon. At first glance of the existing site, I was not sold on the value of the business. Why? It appeared to be a blog filled with articles giving everyday life tips. However, after the founder and I chatted about his vision and business goals, I was sold. This project turned out to be a perfect example of how design helps communicate the vision of a business.

  New Design Communicates "What We Do" and "Why Choose Us" At A Glance.   The vision behind ExpertBeacon is to create an online community of experts ready to offer advice to the general population. In return, ExpertBeacon directs business to them. Th

New Design Communicates "What We Do" and "Why Choose Us" At A Glance.

The vision behind ExpertBeacon is to create an online community of experts ready to offer advice to the general population. In return, ExpertBeacon directs business to them. The best part is, a user doesn’t need to know which specific expert to talk to when facing unfamiliar situations. They simply ask a question and are provided with “Dos and Don'ts” and directed to local professionals. Through my design for ExpertBeacon, I wanted to make two important messages apparent at a glance: 1) We are trustworthy, and can prove it: “Last year experts from 600 different professions helped more than 1 million people on ExpertBeacon” 2) You can simple ask questions like “What to do immediately after I’m in a car accident“. and get help.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Pitch Deck

Pitch Deck